Hypnobirthing Courses near Four Oaks

I don’t care how you give birth!

Whether you want to freebirth in the woods, choose a cesarean in hospital or anything in between, you want to feel in control and confident in your decisions.

I know when I was pregnant with my first baby, I didn’t know what to expect when it came to labour and birth, I had only ever seen it on TV and that it’s always a scary emergency, right? Wrong! I know you don’t want to go into labour not knowing what’s going to happen or expecting the worst, so let’s change that.

Birth in the media is scary, screamy and pretty much awful! And I can guarantee since you’ve started telling people about your pregnancy you’ve heard at least one horror story…

What if I told you birth doesn’t have to be this way?

Attend with birth partner from 14 weeks

"Amazing course. I feel so well informed about labour that it is very empowering. Thank you so much, Sarah." - Karuna

I’m not saying that your birth will be a painless walk in the park. I am saying that no matter what turn it may take you can be in control and empowered to make the best decisions for you and your baby. I am saying you can learn relaxation techniques to help you manage your pain. I am saying your birth partner can learn what to expect and know exactly what to do/say to support you in the best way possible. 

How good does that sound?

My hypnobirthing course teaches you and your birth partner everything you need to know to feel confident and prepared. You’ll meet other local couples embarking on exactly the same journey, with the same fears, questions and expectations. 

My course offers a holistic approach that combines science, relaxation, and self-advocacy to build understanding, awareness, and empowerment. It's not just about birth; it's about embracing the journey with confidence, reducing fear, and fostering a deep connection with your partner and baby. Join me as we redefine childbirth education, making it a transformative and joyous experience for you and your growing family.

Why Choose My Hypnobirthing Course?

I’m Sarah, founder of Happy Mums Club, I know the influence knowledge can have over how we feel about a situation. It makes us feel empowered and in control, words that often aren’t associated with labour and birth.

I trained after the birth of my second son because I had experienced first hand the importance of understanding what was happening in my body during labour and birth and the ability this gave me to birth my son without assistance, (as it all happened so quickly!), and, more importantly, without fear. I want you to know you have options, so many options! From homebirth to a gentle cesarean. So many options that we simply don’t know about and aren’t told about. We often don’t know what we don’t know, so how can we make the best decisions? My course outlines all options and gives you the resources to find out what is best for you and your baby.

"Very informative and personable guide through the birthing journey. Thorough support and advice through all different stages, distraction methods, induction, due dates, etc. Lot of knowledge gained, would highly recommend." - Harry

What’s Included In A Hypnobirthing Course:

  • Practical tools and techniques for you and your birth partner

  • Course handbook and birth affirmation cards

  • Recommended reading list, Instagram accounts to follow and Facebook groups to join related to your specific circumstances

  • Relaxation tracks (I’ll teach you how to use them when we meet!)

  • Ongoing support. Change of plans? Let’s talk, I’ll help you research your options and point in the direction of the answers you need

  • Discounted pre/postnatal yoga classes

How Much Does A Hypnobirthing Course Cost?

Online course is £75/birth team

In person course is £200/birth team

I am currently fully booked, dates coming soon, watch this space or sign up to the newsletter to get all the latest news straight to your inbox.

Full payment is required at booking and terms and conditions apply.

It All Starts With Your Hormones

When you feel stressed, scared or anxious your body releases adrenaline as well as other stress hormones that actively slow the production of oxytocin. Did you know oxytocin is responsible for dilating your cervix and stimulating efficient contractions? This isn’t something we want to slow down! Hypnobirthing teaches you how to calm your mind and body and keep that oxytocin flowing.

Hypnobirthing Course Timetable