Forget The Resolutions This January!

New Year, New You? Have you been thinking of things you'd like to change about your life and been setting resolutions around them?

Perhaps, you'd like to lose weight, drink less alcohol, do better at work/in relationships...

All of these have a common theme and that's the assumption that where you are right now isn't good enough.

In case no one has told you recently.

You are enough, exactly as you are.

Did you know most resolutions fail before January is out? This is largely due to them being negative, vague and unachievable.

So, let's change our perspective and focus on intention setting.

An intention is a positive statement that reflects what your heart truly desires.

Let's get comfy, take a 5 minutes and follow these steps.

1. Think of an 'I am' or 'I will' statement.

Using the losing weight example, you might say 'I am healthy and happy and I continue to invite changes that help me maintain this'.

2. Next, in relation to your statement think of what can you add to your life to achieve your goal? How can you incorporate your intention into everyday life? These might change as time goes on.

Continuing the example, 'I will add enjoyable exercise to my week' and/or 'I choose delicious fruits as snacks' and/or 'I will make use of my recipe books to find new, exciting meals'.

3. Write it down. Write your statement and your steps to get there down and look at them a couple of times a week.

4. Be kind! Don't feel like you incorporated your intention this week? That's ok. Can you identify something that knocked you off? It might have just been a bad week, that's not a reason to give up entirely. Maybe your steps are too big, can you make them a little smaller or just focus on 1 or 2 for the next few weeks?

You don't have to wait for the New Year to set intentions, if you can see/feel that there are changes you'd like to make, take a step back and work through the above again.

I hope this helps.

Please remember, you are wonderful just the way you are. Setting intentions should feel positive, maybe even exciting, if they make you feel negative and miserable that's a sure sign they are not what your heart truly desires!

Happy New Year and Happy Intention Setting!


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